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Medical Aid for Trucks

Medical Aid for Trucks - ISUZU Mobility Cents Per Kilometer Monthly Maintenance Plans

By Isuzu on 18 Jul 2022

– Trucks work hard, very hard. And all trucks will use parts and service as they age with high mileage – almost like the human body where medical aid becomes an essential support component. To minimise downtime and extract maximum productivity from a truck, it is best to plan for service and parts with an ISUZU Mobility Plan.
Running at maximum payload over long distances, ISUZU trucks deliver outstanding economic cost and productivity benefits in terms of cents per ton kilometre – especially when serviced according to the recommended schedule. And that is where the ISUZU Mobility Plans match truck operator expectations in driving down costs, managing the risk and achieving maximum first economic life before major overhaul.
What expectations do truck operators have in a maintenance contract?
- Provision of fixed cost maintenance with no costly surprises
- Budgeting in advance for all labour and parts, servicing, and maintenance
- No Rand value limitations on claims for major components
- Protection against inflation by paying today’s prices
- Minimising downtime on vehicles when in for servicing
Warranty protection
Isuzu Motors South Africa (IMSA) match all this with the innovative and all-new ISUZU Mobility Cents Per Kilometre (CPK) maintenance contract. What is different about a CPK contract? It is based on the actual kilometres travelled and can be applied to all new ISUZU trucks with less than 9 000km on the odometer while under 12 months old at point of sale. The CPK plan is for companies only and is paid monthly, billed according to the kilometers travelled.
VAT is a critical component of truck financing. The VAT refund can be applied to the CPK contract to make this ISUZU service product even more cost effective.
The CPK plan allows the company to match its revenue generated by a particular vehicle to the actual expense incurred in a particular month – it also follows seasonal trends such as limited distances covered during low season. In addition, should a vehicle be off the road for crash repairs there will be no maintenance charges in the absence of kilometers covered. There is no minimum billing per month.

Businesses can maximize their cashflow paying monthly only for the kilometers driven and not just distance predicted. This allows businesses to record and manage income and expenses accurately for a particular period.
Tracking fleet utilisation is a key discipline of fleet management. The CPK plan introduces accurate, real-time measurement how the truck fleet is being utilised, and then again down to the level of individual vehicles on specific routes.
Telematics are adjunct to effective and modern fleet maintenance. ISUZU satisfies modern fleet management expectations with the most up to date telematics system. Telematics offers real-time fleet management. Telematics is also leading evidence in any court action following a road incident and thus protects a driver against spurious claims.
The entire ISUZU range benefits from a telematics-ready truck and stolen vehicle recovery hardware installed at factory. This includes a panic button and driver ID tag reader already installed. Compatible with the MixTelematics fleet management system, it is also compatible with existing 3rd party fleet management systems at a small additional cost. The stolen vehicle recovery service ready – BEAME – has been installed for some years now.
The CPK Plan is a maintenance and service plan and warranty all together with the standard exclusions that are excluded in the market for these types of products, such as tyres, top-up oils, sound equipment (radios), truck bodies and anything damaged, missing or broken.
Senior Vice President Revenue Generation Southern African Customs Union, Craig Uren of ISUZU Motors South Africa, concludes – “ISUZU Mobility CPK Maintenance Plan is a true component of ISUZU as a lifecycle brand. ISUZU’s truck brand leadership in Southern Africa for the past 10 years is based on service – we are a service organization that also sells new ISUZU trucks.”
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